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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Putting the Party Back into Politics: Results of A Pilot Experiment Designed to Increase Voter Turnout through Music, Food, and Entertainment

By: Elizabeth Addonizio and Donald Green of Yale University, James Glaser of Tufts University

A century and a half ago, casting a vote was a celebratory experience, as voters at the polls engaged their friends, imbibed free booze, listened to lively entertainment, and generally had a good time. Americans have lost touch with the raucous and engaging elections of the past.

Our polling places have been drained of their celebratory elements, and the 90%-plus rates of voter turnout that accompanied them have disappeared from our collective consciousness.

It is from this starting point that we began to ask about the feasibility of creating a more celebratory and community-focused atmosphere at the polls. Can the festive, social environment surrounding old-fashioned elections be recreated in ways that increase voter turnout? What would it mean to change the polling environment? Would it increase voter turnout? Might it change the orientation of people toward their community?

Click here for full article.

posted at 4:40 PM