Friday, June 09, 2006

NPR Highlights Stones' Phones Automated Calls in California

Yesterday a Stones' Phones client was featured on NPR. Actors Billy Crystal and Sally Field lent their talented voices to the Yes on Prop. 82 campaign, and with the help of Stones' Phones their message was able to reach millions of Californians.

Click here to hear the full NPR story

posted at 10:29 AM links to this post

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Congratulations to all of Stones' Phones June 6th Primary Victories!

Phil Angelides for Governor (CA)
Jerry Brown for Attorney General (CA)
Lois Capps for Congress (CA)
Lou Correa for State Senate (CA)
Anna Caballero for State Assembly (CA)
Kevin DeLeon for State Assembly (CA)
Jared Huffman for State Assembly (CA)
Jon Tester for U.S. Senate (MT)

posted at 6:43 PM links to this post