Monday, March 26, 2007

Stones' Phones would like to congratulate all of our clients from 2006!

Not only did we work on:
10 Gubernatorial Races
10 Senatorial Races
46 Congressional Races
22 Statewide and Local Ballot Initiatives

We are also proud to announce that Stones' Phones won
16 Pollie Awards
from the American Association of Political Consultants!

Our big Pollie winners include:
MoveOn.Org, EMILY's List, Sierra Club, Human Rights Campaign, Defenders of Wildlife, Governor Jim Doyle, Senator Bob Casey, Representative Melissa Bean, Smoke-Free Arizona, ProKanDo, Fair Wisconsin, Campaign Money Watch, the California Nurses Association, and others.

Check out the Pollie Award Winners booklet here. Phones on page 23!

posted at 2:54 PM