Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Marty Stone says 'Auto Calls Rock!' on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Marty Stone has seemingly done almost everything there is to do in politics --- including running for Congress himself. And yet, there was one thing missing from his political experience --- being lampooned on the Daily Show by Jon Stewart.

Back in March, Marty received an award for Best Automated Call from the Daily Show at the 2008 Pollie Awards in Santa Monica, California. The Pollie Awards are hosted by the American Association of Political Consultants and honor the best practices in political consulting.

When The Daily Show's John Oliver presented the award to Marty he shouted, "Auto Calls Rock!" much to the delight of Jon Stewart's producers who for two straight nights featured segments on the Pollie Awards.

Stones' Phones won 16 real Pollie Awards at the 2008 AAPC Conference bringing the firm's total up to 67.

Watch the Daily Show's first segment on the Pollie awards Here.

Watch the Daily Show's second segment on the Pollie awards Here.

posted at 9:50 PM